
DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Bukola Yadah - "In Your Name" || @Bukola_yadah

Gospel Artist Bukola Yahah is out with a new song titled "In Your Name"

The Name of Jesus as the door, allows me to enter into the presence of God
The world holds many dangers, but when I abide in Jesus as the Door, I am safe

The Name of Jesus is so powerful; His Name gives you and I an identity, being identified with God. 

The Name of Jesus is above every other name. Philippians 2:9-11 says “wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”.

The name of Jesus is above the name of any sickness or disease (fibroids, cancers, cirrhosis etc) or situation. Whatever has a name is below the name of Jesus, and must give way to this Name. 

The name of Jesus is a strong refuge, “the name of the LORD is a strong refuge: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” Proverbs 18:10. The power in the name provides protection, covering for them that believe. 

During this pandemic, the name of Jesus has my covering, and secret place of safety. Call on this NAME, and JESUS will shield you from any imminent evil. God bless you!

IN YOUR NAME – Bukola Yadah (Lyrics)

O o o Jesus that worthy Name
There is power in Your Name
Demons tremble at Your Name Lord 
In You Name, Lord, mountains move

There is power in your Name
There is healing in Your wings
There is power in Your Name
There is healing in Your wings

There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus

O o o Jesus that worthy Name
There is power in Your Name
Demons tremble at Your Name Lord 
In You Name, Lord, mountains move

There is power in your Name
There is healing in Your wings
There is power in Your Name
There is healing in Your wings

There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus
There’s power in Your Name, Jesus

Jesus (3x)
Jesus (3x)

There is power in your Name
There is healing in Your wings
There is power in Your Name
There is healing in Your wings
There’s power in Your Name


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